Salisbury Vehicular Assault Attorneys
What Is Vehicular Assault?
Many states have laws that specifically address vehicular assault — the harming of another person by motor vehicle. Maryland does not cite vehicular assault by name but it is still a common charge and a very serious one. Law enforcement and the courts know it when they see it. Your charge will come under one of these descriptions, and conviction for any of them will change your life forever.
Contact MacDonald Law Office, LLC online or call (410) 348-7809 to schedule a consultation.
Serious Bodily Injury
Serious bodily injuries are those that are life-threatening; are permanently debilitating; cause permanent scars; or result in the loss of an arm, leg or organ. Severe internal injuries or broken bones from being hit by a motor vehicle constitute serious bodily harm. You do not have to be drinking or otherwise intoxicated to be charged with this kind of assault.
Vehicular Manslaughter
This is the unintentional killing of another human being while driving. If alcohol is involved in the offense, it becomes an extremely serious felony, with a maximum prison sentence of 10 years. It is common for those who are convicted of vehicular homicide to receive the maximum penalty.
First-Degree Assault
The most severe assault charge is first-degree assault. This felony charge is levied against individuals who attempt to cause serious physical harm or who intentionally cause serious harm that could cause permanent damage or death.
Second-Degree Assault
This is for assaults that do not rise to the level of first-degree assault—usually a matter of intent.
Your best defense against charges of vehicular assault is the presence of a knowledgeable Salisbury criminal defense lawyer in your corner. We suggest you contact MacDonald Law Office, LLC in Salisbury or Ocean City at (410) 348-7809 and discuss your situation with us.
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