Salisbury Resisting Arrest Attorneys
What Qualifies as Resisting Arrest in Maryland?
When someone is charged with resisting arrest, the charge is usually bundled with something else. Many times, the charge arises from the individual's genuine surprise at being arrested. This kind of arrest can happen to anybody. It is a natural reaction for many people to protest or resist arrest when they believe the arrest is a mistake or unlawful.
You can be charged with resisting for a number of reasons, including:
- Pulling away from being handcuffed
- Touching the arresting officer
- Hiding or running
- Arguing too long or too vehemently
Helping You Out of a Bad Situation
Being charged with resisting arrest is a bad situation and, in the end, it is usually your word against the police officer's. The bottom line is that you need help to get the charge dismissed or reduced. The Salisbury criminal defense lawyers at MacDonald Law Office are the lawyers to turn to along Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Talk to our resisting arrest lawyers in Salisbury and Ocean City by calling (410) 348-7809. You can also email our attorneys your questions using this form.