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Fight Back Against Violent Crime and Gun Crime Charges


Violent crime charges and gun charges are some of the most serious crimes that a defendant will face. It is vital that you explore your rights and the options for your case if you are facing charges of those natures. We can help you explore your options to determine how you want to handle your case.

We know that facing your charges can be troubling; however, your charges aren't going to go away if you ignore them. Instead, you have to get to work on your defense as soon as possible. This gives us time to work with you to determine a strategy for your defense. It also gives us time to evaluate evidence and look into possible resolutions of your case.

If you are facing a violent crime charge, you have to understand that you might be sentenced under the Exile program if you are found guilty. This means that you would be subjected to mandatory minimum incarceration periods. We might be able to help you learn about alternative options that could help you to avoid that possibility.

Violent crimes and gun crimes can be either state or federal charges. Each criminal justice system has specific points that we have to take into consideration as we plan your defense. One thing that we can do is to ensure that prosecutors must be held accountable for their actions during your case because each system has specific standards that they must follow in criminal justice cases.

Don't wait until it is too late to get your defense in order. Take immediate action so we have as much time as possible to work on your case.
