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Baltimore Arrest of Parent Protester at Town-Hall Meeting


An arrest occurred at a town-hall meeting that is now being reviewed by a Baltimore police chief.  The individual arrested apparently began asking questions, but the questioning was brought to the end by a police officer.  Apparently questions were supposed to be submitted in writing before asking any questions.  However, since he did not ask the question in the appropriate manner he was then forcibly removed from the meeting.

The man arrested was accused of pushing the police officer away when the confrontation took place.  This individual was then charged with second degree assault and disturbing school operations.  The penalties for these violations can be severe as each charge can carry a fine of $2,500, and the charge of assaulting an officer could result in a sentence of up to 10 years imprisonment.

In heated exchanges with words being passed, it's always difficult to know who actually was at fault when an incident like the one mentioned above occurs.  We sometimes hear only one side of the story, and that story may have been from the arresting officer who was the purported victim.

We cannot convict individuals based solely upon allegations.  We do need reliable evidence and testimony as well.  Criminal defense attorneys can assist individuals arrested for misunderstandings and help that person tell their story in court.  The attorney can also negotiate with prosecuting attorneys and make certain that, if any sentence is actually handed down, that sentence is appropriate to the circumstances.

Individuals have a right to speak their mind without fearing the consequences of criminal punishment in any case.  Though such people need to at the same time obey the laws, matters must be looked at in the right context.

Source: Fox News, "Maryland police to review arrest of parent who objected to Common Core," Sep. 23, 2013
